Woodland Davies
S o l i c i t o r s - C y f r e i t h w y r
01497 820406 / 01874 624422

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Woodland Davies is an amalgamation of the former legal firms of Howard Llewelyn & Company, Woodland & Co., E. Ann Davies & Davies and Watkins & Weston.

Our Services

At Woodland Davies we offer a comprehensive range of private and commercial legal services. 

While the firm has offices in Hay on Wye and Brecon, we are able to look after a client base that extends throughout the UK and beyond due to our use of state of the art IT and an innovative approach to the provision of legal services. 

We can assure you a warm welcome at any of our offices and will always treat you with courtesy and respect while providing a first class professional service. 

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How are we regulated?

We are regulated by The Solicitors Regulation Authority under number 448760

Registered in England & Wales, Registration No. OC323951. Registered Office: 18 Castle Street, Hay-on-Wye, Hereford, HR3 5DF.

The Partners are the members and designated members of the Limited Liability Partnership.


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Our Practice

We are managed primarily by husband and wife team Angharad and Darryll Woodland who brought their fledgling firm, Woodland & Co. to Brecon in 2005 when they absorbed the Brecon firm of Howard Llewelyn & Company (Est. 1949). Woodland & Co. merged with the well known Hay on Wye firm of E. Ann Davies & Davies in 2006 to form The Woodland Davies Partnership LLP. In 2009, Woodland Davies absorbed the long established Hereford firm, Watkins & Weston.

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Hear from our Clients

At Woodland Davies you are assured a warm welcome and a professional service